Short Post: Weeks in Review

Hey guys,

Just wanted to do a short post to update you all on things. The past 2 weeks have been really eventful. On January 15th, I went to the MIT AI (Artificial Intelligence) Policy Conference to learn about how AI and Machine Learning are currently being used in research applications. I also got a chance to see how policymakers and the media perceive AI and its potential. The conference covered applications on everything from healthcare and privacy, to transportation, to national security. I’d like to say I was surprised by the lines of discussion, but it’s clear that technology drastically outpaces the means to legislate and legally understand implications. As one gentleman said, “if the research community doesn’t define AI [and its practical consequences], lawyers will.”

This past week I also got the opportunity to attend the Cybersecurity Insight event, hosted by MIT Sloan in collaboration with Kaspersky Labs. I was really excited to see the presentations, as they were talking about Critical Infrastructure Security, which is a big interest of mine. Unfortunately I had to work, so I missed the information-based presentation, but I got off just in time to attend their CTF! The challenges were really fun: I learned more about exiftool and image metadata, and I got to show off my knowledge of memory forensics. It just so happened that their challenge was kind of similar to the one from the last blog post :). I received an archive with a strange file (my Mac identified it as a MacOS binary, which was dubious). Since the file was a gigabyte I decided against reversing it and put it right into Volatility with the imageinfo plugin. When it turned out to be a Windows 7 memory image, I was off to the races.

The challenge was to first find the suspicious process that had been injected and look through its File handles (with the handles plugin to find the file it had written to the Desktop, which contained the first half of the flag. This half-flag was encoded in Base64, which would be key to recognizing the second half of the flag. The second challenge was to dump that malicious process from the image and do a little reversing. The executable was compiled in .NET, so decompilers were readily available, if not easy to install on my Mac. With the code decompiled, one could see that the malware iterated through the registry to find a given key. By using the hivelist plugin from Volatility, you could find several suspicious subkeys (Flag and Notflag, for example). But only one subkey appeared to be in Base64 encoded format. After combining the two halves of the flag in a Base64 decoder, the flag was revealed! That was just one of the challenges available, but definitely my favorite. It was a really fun event overall and I’m glad I went.

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