Malware Analysis from Virustotal: DeepLinks PDF Exploit

Last week, I went to a local security meetup for the first time. That coupled with some recent networking and building connections on Twitter has been super motivating for me. I now have a lot more things to analyze from different repositories, and seeing pros and veteran security people post regularly on Twitter motivates me to get something out. So this next sample comes from VirusTotal (they were kind enough to give me an academic account):

Malicious PDFs in General

PDFs are organized in a way that makes cross references quite visible. Streams and different types of objects are easily parsed from text and are generally quickly recognizable when you know what you’re looking for.

Good objects to look out for in malicious PDFs are OpenActions, JavaScript, Automatic Actions, Embedded Files and Embedded Flash. You can open PDFs in a text editor to see objects, but I’m a fan of Didier Steven’s PDF Tools (which come, fortunately, preinstalled on the FLARE VM I use).

Diving In

The first tool I ran was pdfid, which parses the names of known PDF objects to give an overview of a PDF’s contents:

As we can see, this file includes several JavaScript objects, an embedded file, and an OpenAction, which definitely warrant further investigation. To look at individual streams of interest, I used pdfstreamdumper, a tool from Sandsprite.

Only the bottom window is really relevant here; the top window is just gibberish that gets displayed when the PDF loads.

The object in the main window may be nonsensical, but I used a cool feature of the tool to search for all of the Javascript objects and see them at a glance (visible in the bottom window of the tool). There aren’t too many objects to look through in this case, but it’s good to think of scenarios with tons of objects and how one would efficiently search through them.

The object I’m most interested in at this point is the one with the OpenAction which also seems to contain a function, although the second object with the embedded file definitely seems relevant. So, let’s take a look:

The OpenAction object and its encapsulated function.

This OpenAction may look a little weird, but it’s barely enough obfuscation to even fool an automated system. The things to take notice of are the keys, like [‘cName’] and [‘nLaunch’], which are standard parameters you can look up. In this case, the big picture is that the variable hadapet is used to open a file called ‘downl.SettingContent-ms’ with the ‘exportDataObject’ function. nLaunch refers to the way the file is exported/opened, and cName refers to the filename.

Now, where can we find the opened file, downl.SettingContent-ms? In order to do that, we need merely go up to the 2nd object.

Object 2, a File Specification Object

Object 2 doesn’t seem to contain much, but it points us in the right direction to find the file that gets launched. Object 2 is a file specification describing Object 1, which you can see from the line “/F 1 0 R/UF 1 0 R.” We can see that Object 1 is described as being the file we are looking for, downl.SettingContent-ms. So let’s focus on that object, the embedded file which is the meat of the exploit:

Object 1.

Here we have what appears to be an XML-formatted file which holds the downloader function of the malware. Within the DeepLink tag is the main exploit, which uses Windows Powershell to download an executable from a remote server, then creates a process using that executable. Clearly, remote code execution is enabled by this DeepLink tag, because otherwise you usually wouldn’t be able to call Powershell from inside an XML file. You can read more about the exploit method here.

Detection Rates:

Fortunately, this PDF is now well detected by antiviruses on VirusTotal and has an incredibly low community score. However, on, there appeared to be a detection rate of only 5%, at 3/57 antiviruses flagging the file. I wanted to see what was being flagged by’s behavioral analysis, and I did note the embedded file, plaintext IP and WMIC reference were indicators, but I didn’t see much on the DeepLink tag or use of Powershell.


Command & Control/URL: hxxp(:)//

MD5: 6354A39C95A58B85505E6C8152443100

Strings: DeepLink, Powershell, .exe

Next Time

I’ve also been working on some Windows PE malware and will make another post for that soon. I’ll be putting a lot of time into Practical Malware Analysis, now that I’m done with technical interviews for the time being. Stay tuned and thanks for reading.

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