Dionaea (Honeypot) Update

After spending many hours on my old and slow iPod trying to install the nepenthes honeypot program through a terminal emulator, I realized that it was a terrible idea and moved on. I ended up installing Dionaea on my Raspberry Pi instead, using a client-server deployment method called Modern Honey Net. If you plan to follow the Raspberry Pi deployment guide, I have tips at the end.

With this method, a sensor like my Raspberry Pi reports attacks and submits payloads to a central server. I decided to just keep a VM running on my desktop to be the server. I had to troubleshoot network problems and debug conflicts between services already running on my VM and the MHN server program, but in the end it was worth it:

Here we have the first 2 attacks on my honeypot (1/min so far).

MHN’s guide is extremely helpful and seems very straightforward, but pay close attention to the deployment script for Dionaea on the Raspberry Pi. I searched for hours to figure out why my install wasn’t completing; it turns out one of the main problems is that the RPi deployment script downloads an old version of openssl that doesn’t exist in the repositories anymore. I had to go 4 updates up to find a version of the library that worked. I might need to contact the developers about that… (Update: there was another bug with one of the files being out of date so I had to reinstall the honeymap module. Details at https://github.com/threatstream/mhn/issues/619.)

In other news, I’m going through some interesting technical interviews that I’ll be taking a pit stop to prepare for. I’ll be going through microcorruption because I think I’ll have to be able to hack an embedded device. If I do write-ups for microcorruption, I’ll definitely have a spoiler alert.
